Parent Memo

From Ms. Lorie

St. Mary’s Grade School



Friday, August 18, 2023


Dear St. Mary’s Families:


Welcome to a new school year at St. Mary’s.  We are anxious and excited to begin a new year!


Open House for students is today from 9:00am -12:00pm. Come meet your new teacher!


Back to School Picnic is tomorrow, Saturday, August 19.  The picnic will be at the VA Park under the Osborn Shelter at 3:00pm.  Please note:   Swimming and golf are not available due to the Splash Zone closing early this year.  The kids will still have a good time!

PK-K parents bring single serve, cold drinks

1-3 parents bring plates and napkins

4-6 parents bring single serve desserts.


Monday, August 21, is the first day of school for students in grades 1-12.   We have a NOON Dismissal for everyone.


Tuesday, August 22, is the first day for Kindergarten.  We have a NOON Dismissal for everyone.


Wednesday, August 23, is the first day for PK-4year olds.  This is our first full day of school.  * PK4 students attend school five days a week for the whole day this year.


Friday, August 25, PK-3 year olds begin.


Friday, August 25, will be our first mass of the school year.  Students in grades PK4-6 will be attending the 8:00 am mass at Immaculate Conception.  All students in grades PK4-6 must wear FORMAL UNIFORMS.


Please mark your calendars for Picture Day on Monday, August 28!  Students are to wear their FORMAL UNIFORMS.


On Tuesday, August 29, Bishop Brennan will be visiting our schools and he will celebrate mass with us in the afternoon at 1:00.  All students are to wear Formal Uniforms for this event.

Families are invited to attend this mass.

Friday, September 1, is an Early Dismissal Day at 11:00 am.  There will not be any mass. Students may have a Dress Down Day since we are having an early dismissal. Students may wear attire to celebrate the Italian Heritage Festival for the weekend.

These memos will be sent out in email form every Friday to help keep you up to date on coming events and special recognitions.

Notes of Interest:

 Summer Reading Challenge:  Please return all Summer Reading Challenge Forms by September 1.  If you need a form, it is located on our school website.

MAP Testing:  The beginning of the year MAP (measure of academic performance) will begin on Tuesday, September 5.  Students are tested 3 times a year to determine academic growth and performance.   The first test will give us a baseline for your child’s performance.

22-23 Food Service Program:  Meals will be billed directly from Notre Dame Cafeteria on a monthly basis.  The meal costs are:

Breakfast Snack $1.50

Lunch PK3-3 $2.75

4th – 12th $3.50

All reduced meal costs are .40.

  •  The application process for Free/Reduced Meals is in your email with today’s newsletter.


Office Forms:  All forms for school are online now.  Please complete these forms using the link sent in an email earlier this month.


Uniforms:  Summer Uniforms are in effect until November 1 (except for Mass and Special Events).   Formal uniform plaids can be ordered from Land’s End using Code 900053315.

Please see your Parent Handbook for specific details about uniform policies.


Mass:  As a school, students and staff in PK4-6th grade will attend Mass every Friday.   Students are to wear Formal Uniforms on Fridays.


Mass with Bishop Brennan:  On August 29, Bishop Brennan will be in our schools to visit with children and then do an all schools mass for our students at 1:00.   Families are invited to attend mass. Students will be required to sit with their class in the front of the church.   Families are asked to fill in pews around and behind the students. Students must wear Formal Uniforms on September 1.


Keepers:  Keepers is an after school childcare program provided by St. Mary’s from 2:30- 5:30pm.   The director of the program is Mrs. Angle Fittro. Teachers and students from Notre Dame High School will supervise the students.  The cost is $5 per hour and is open to all students in grades PK3 – 8th grade.  Students will receive homework assistance the first hour of the program.  The program begins on August 23. Please send an extra snack with your child when he/she stays for Keepers.


Bridgeport Bus:  Students may ride a Harrison County School Bus to Bridgeport in the evenings.  It picks up here at 2:25 and goes directly to Simpson Elementary and Bridgeport Middle School. Please let the office and your child’s teacher know if your child will be using this bus service.


Morning Drop Off:  Please drive down the back alley in the mornings.  Teachers will remove students from your vehicle.  Students will be supervised and directed along their walk into the building.


Evening Pick Up:  Students will be released to the back parking lot at the end of the day.   Stand by the crosswalk on the parking lot side so your child can see you. Please be very careful as you are pulling out.  Children have a tendency to wander and run around.  We do not want anyone to get hurt!


Grandparent Day Celebration: Please see attachment.   On Septmeber 8, we will celebrate Grandparents Day with a mass at 8:00 am at Immaculate Conception.  Please complete the Sign Up Form if you will be attending and grandparents will be attending.  Following Mass there will be a social hour at the Parish Center so we need to have a count of people attending.


******CALENDAR ******

Watch for changes each week!


Upcoming Dates and Events: 


August 21:  First day for 1-12th grades

August 22:  First day for Kindergarten

August 23:  First day for PK – 4 year olds, Keepers begins

August 25:  First day for PK – 3 year olds

August 25:  Mass – Grades PK4-6

August 28:  PICTURE DAY – all students wear Formal Uniforms

August 29:  Mass with Bishop Brennan, 1:00 – all students wear Formal Uniforms, families invited

September 1:  Early Dismissal at 11:00 am, NO Keepers, Student Dress Down Day

September 4:  No School for Labor Day

September 8:   Grandparent Day Mass, 8:00am

September 15:  ND Golf Tournament, all welcome! Contact Ashley Vernon for details

September 21:  Early Dismissal at NOON.  Parent-Teacher Conferences from 3:00-6:00pm by appointment only.

September 22:  1st Quarter Mid-term

October 1-7:  Homecoming Week