Photographs of St. Mary’s events are posted and available for sale. Multiple products are available for very reasonable prices.

Contact Ian McAra at 304-623-1026 x12

Make money for St.Mary’s and the Harrison County Catholic Schools by simply searching the internet. Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter Harrison County Catholic Schools
  3. Click Verify
  4. Search the internet

A penny is donated to our organization each time a search is made in our name. If 5,000 people make an average of two searches per day we will receive $36,500 per year. Make goodsearch the homepage on your computer and remember “don’t google, goodsearch.”

Contact Ian McAra at 304-623-1026 x12


If you shop online go through goodshop. Notre Dame and the Harrison County Catholic Schools receive a percentage of each purchase made from hundreds of retailers.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter Harrison County Catholic Schools
  3. Click Verify
  4. Shop from hundreds of retailers (Gifts, magazines, books, and music are available for purchase with HCCS receiving 40% of the revenue. Click on shop now. St. Mary’s number is 710331300. Notre Dame’s number is 425017629)

Make money for our organization by shopping for things you would purchase anyway.

Contact Ian McAra at 304-623-1026 x12